Package ipapython :: Module log_manager
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Module log_manager

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Quick Start Guide For Using This Module

This module implements a Log Manager class which wraps the Python logging module and provides some utility functions for use with logging. All logging operations should be done through the LogManager where available. DO NOT create objects using the Python logging module, the log manager will be unaware of them.

This module was designed for ease of use while preserving advanced functionality and performance. You must perform the following steps.

  1. Import the log_manger module and instantiate one LogManager instance for your application or library. The LogManager is configured via LogManager.configure() whose values are easily populated from command line options or a config file. You can modify the configuration again at any point.

  2. Create one or more output handlers via LogManager.create_log_handlers() an easy to use yet powerful interface.

  3. In your code create loggers via LogManager.get_logger(). Since loggers are normally bound to a class this method is optimized for that case, all you need to do in the call __init__() is:

    log_mgr.get_logger(self, True)

    Then emitting messages is as simple as self.debug() or self.error()


# Step 1, Create log manager and configure it
prog_name = 'my_app'
log_mgr = LogManager(prog_name)

# Step 2, Create handlers
log_mgr.create_log_handlers([dict(name='my_app stdout',
                             dict(name='my_app file',

# Step 3, Create and use a logger in your code
class FooBar:
    def __init__(self, name):
        log_mgr.get_logger(self, True)"I'm alive! %s", name)

foobar = FooBar('Dr. Frankenstein')

# Dump the log manager state for illustration
print log_mgr

Running the above code would produce:

<INFO>: I'm alive! Dr. Frankenstein

root_logger_name: my_app
configure_state: None
default_level: INFO
debug: False
verbose: True
number of loggers: 2
    "my_app" [level=INFO]
    "my_app.__main__.FooBar" [level=INFO]
number of handlers: 2
    "my_app file" [level=DEBUG]
    "my_app stdout" [level=INFO]
number of logger regexps: 0

Note, Steps 1 & 2 were broken out for expository purposes. You can pass your handler configuration into LogManager.configure(). The above could have been simpler and more compact.:

# Step 1 & 2, Create log manager, and configure it and handlers
prog_name = 'my_app'
log_mgr = LogManager(prog_name)
                       handlers = [dict(name='my_app stdout',
                                   dict(name='my_app file',

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. Why is this better than logging.basicConfig? The short example for the LogManager doesn't seem much different in complexity from basicConfig?

    • You get independent logging namespaces. You can instantiate multiple logging namespaces. If you use this module you'll be isolated from other users of the Python logging module avoiding conflicts.
    • Creating and initializing loggers for classes is trivial. One simple call creates the logger, configures it, and sets logging methods on the class instance.
    • You can easily configure individual loggers to different levels. For example turn on debuging for just the part of the code you're working on.
    • The configuration is both simple and powerful. You get many more options than with basicConfig.
    • You can dynamically reset the logging configuration during execution, you're not forced to live with the config established during program initialization.
    • The manager optimizes the use of the logging objects, you'll spend less time executing pointless logging code for messages that won't be emitted.
    • You can see the state of all the logging objects in your namespace from one centrally managed location.
    • You can configure a LogManager to use the standard logging root logger and get all the benefits of this API.
  2. How do I turn on debug logging for a specific class without affecting the rest of the logging configuration?

    Use a logger regular expression to bind a custom level to loggers whose name matches the regexp. See LogManager.configure() for details.

    Lets say you want to set your Foo.Bar class to debug, then do this:

    log_mgr.configure(dict(logger_regexps=[(r'Foo\.Bar', 'debug')]))
  3. I set the default_level but all my loggers are configured with a higher level, what happened?

    You probably don't have any handlers defined at or below the default_level. The level set on a logger will never be lower than the lowest level handler available to that logger.

  4. My logger's all have their level set to a huge integer, why?

    See above. Logger's will never have a level less than the level of the handlers visible to the logger. If there are no handlers then loggers can't output anything so their level is set to maxint.

  5. I set the default_level but all the loggers are configured at INFO or DEBUG, what happened?

    The verbose and debug config flags set the default_level to INFO and DEBUG respectively as a convenience.

  6. I'm not seeing messages output when I expect them to be, what's wrong?

    For a message to be emitted the following 3 conditions must hold:

    • Message level >= logger's level
    • Message level >= handler's level
    • The message was not elided by a filter

    To verify the above conditions hold print out the log manager state (e.g. print log_mgr). Locate your logger, what level is at? Locate the handler you expected to see the message appear on, what level is it?

A General Discussion of Python Logging

The design of this module is driven by how the Python logging module works. The following discussion complements the Python Logging Howto, fills in some missing information and covers strategies for implementing different functionality along with the trade-offs involved.

Understanding when & how log messages are emitted:

Loggers provide the application interface for logging. Every logger object has the following methods debug(), info(), warning(), error(), critical(), exception() and log() all of which can accept a format string and arguments. Applications generate logging messages by calling one of these methods to produce a formatted message.

A logger's effective level is the first explicitly set level found when searching from the logger through it's ancestors terminating at the root logger. The root logger always has an explicit level (defaults to WARNING).

For a message to be emitted by a handler the following must be true:

The logger's effective level must >= message level and it must not be filtered by a filter attached to the logger, otherwise the message is discarded.

If the message survives the logger check it is passed to a list of handlers. A handler will emit the message if the handler's level >= message level and its not filtered by a filter attached to the handler.

The list of handlers is determined thusly: Each logger has a list of handlers (which may be empty). Starting with the logger the message was bound to the message is passed to each of it's handlers. Then the process repeats itself by traversing the chain of loggers through all of it's ancestors until it reaches the root logger. The logger traversal will be terminated if the propagate flag on a logger is False (by default propagate is True).

Let's look at a hypothetical logger hierarchy (tree):

   / \
  B   D

There are 4 loggers and 3 handlers


Logger Level Filters Propagate Handlers
A WARNING [] False [h1,h2]
A.B ERROR [] False [h3]
A.B.C DEBUG [] True  
A.D   [] True  


Handler Level Filters
h1 ERROR []
h3 DEBUG []

Each of the loggers and handlers have empty filter lists in this example thus the filter checks will always pass.

If a debug message is posted logger A.B.C the following would happen. The effective level is determined. Since it does not have a level set it's parent (A.B) is examined which has ERROR set, therefore the effective level of A.B.C is ERROR. Processing immediately stops because the logger's level of ERROR does not permit debug messages.

If an error message is posted on logger A.B.C it passes the logger level check and filter check therefore the message is passed along to the handlers. The list of handlers on A.B.C is empty so no handlers are called at this position in the logging hierarchy. Logger A.B.C's propagate flag is True so parent logger A.B handlers are invoked. Handler h3's level is DEBUG, it passes both the level and filter check thus h3 emits the message. Processing now stops because logger A.B's propagate flag is False.

Now let's see what would happen if a warning message was posted on logger A.D. It's effective level is WARNING because logger A.D does not have a level set, it's only ancestor is logger A, the root logger which has a level of WARNING, thus logger's A.D effective level is WARNING. Logger A.D has no handlers, it's propagate flag is True so the message is passed to it's parent logger A, the root logger. Logger A has two handlers h1 and h2. The level of h1 is ERROR so the warning message is discarded by h1, nothing is emitted by h1. Next handler h2 is invoked, it's level is WARNING so it passes both the level check and the filter check, thus h2 emits the warning message.

How to configure independent logging spaces:

A common idiom is to hang all handlers off the root logger and set the root loggers level to the desired verbosity. But this simplistic approach runs afoul of several problems, in particular who controls logging (accomplished by configuring the root logger). The usual advice is to check and see if the root logger has any handlers set, if so someone before you has configured logging and you should inherit their configuration, all you do is add your own loggers without any explicitly set level. If the root logger doesn't have handlers set then you go ahead and configure the root logger to your preference. The idea here is if your code is being loaded by another application you want to defer to that applications logging configuration but if your code is running stand-alone you need to set up logging yourself.

But sometimes your code really wants it's own logging configuration managed only by yourself completely independent of any logging configuration by someone who may have loaded your code. Even if you code is not designed to be loaded as a package or module you may be faced with this problem. A trivial example of this is running your code under a unit test framework which itself uses the logging facility (remember there is only ever one root logger in any Python process).

Fortunately there is a simple way to accommodate this. All you need to do is create a "fake" root in the logging hierarchy which belongs to you. You set your fake root's propagate flag to False, set a level on it and you'll hang your handlers off this fake root. Then when you create your loggers each should be a descendant of this fake root. Now you've completely isolated yourself in the logging hierarchy and won't be influenced by any other logging configuration. As an example let's say your your code is called 'foo' and so you name your fake root logger 'foo'.:

my_root = logging.getLogger('foo') # child of the root logger
my_root.propagate = False

Then every logger you create should have 'foo.' prepended to it's name. If you're logging my module your module's logger would be created like this:

module_logger = logging.getLogger('foo.%s' % __module__)

If you're logging by class then your class logger would be:

class_logger = logging.getLogger('foo.%s.%s' % (self.__module__,  self.__class__.__name__))

How to set levels:

An instinctive or simplistic assumption is to set the root logger to a high logging level, for example ERROR. After all you don't want to be spamming users with debug and info messages. Let's also assume you've got two handlers, one for a file and one for the console, both attached to the root logger (a common configuration) and you haven't set the level on either handler (in which case the handler will emit all levels).

But now let's say you want to turn on debugging, but just to the file, the console should continue to only emit error messages.

You set the root logger's level to DEBUG. The first thing you notice is that you're getting debug message both in the file and on the console because the console's handler does not have a level set. Not what you want.

So you go back restore the root loggers level back to it's original ERROR level and set the file handler's level to DEBUG and the console handler's level to ERROR. Now you don't get any debug messages because the root logger is blocking all messages below the level of ERROR and doesn't invoke any handlers. The file handler attached to the root logger even though it's level is set to DEBUG never gets a chance to process the message.

IMPORTANT: You have to set the logger's level to the minimum of all the attached handler's levels, otherwise the logger may block the message from ever reaching any handler.

In this example the root logger's level must be set to DEBUG, the file handler's level to DEBUG, and the console handler's level set to ERROR.

Now let's take a more real world example which is a bit more complicated. It's typical to assign loggers to every major class. In fact this is the design strategy of Java logging from which the Python logging is modeled. In a large complex application or library that means dozens or possibly hundreds of loggers. Now lets say you need to trace what is happening with one class. If you use the simplistic configuration outlined above you'll set the log level of the root logger and one of the handlers to debug. Now you're flooded with debug message from every logger in the system when all you wanted was the debug messages from just one class.

How can you get fine grained control over which loggers emit debug messages? Here are some possibilities:

(1) Set a filter.

When a message is propagated to a logger in the hierarchy first the loggers level is checked. If logger level passes then the logger iterates over every handler attached to the logger first checking the handler level. If the handler level check passes then the filters attached to the handler are run.

Filters are passed the record (i.e. the message), it does not have access to either the logger or handler it's executing within. You can't just set the filter to only pass the records of the classes you want to debug because that would block other important info, warning, error and critical messages from other classes. The filter would have to know about the "global" log level which is in effect and also pass any messages at that level or higher. It's unfortunate the filter cannot know the level of the logger or handler it's executing inside of.

Also logger filters only are applied to the logger they are attached to, i.e. the logger the message was generated on. They do not get applied to any ancestor loggers. That means you can't just set a filter on the root logger. You have to either set the filters on the handlers or on every logger created.

The filter first checks the level of the message record. If it's greater than debug it passes it. For debug messages it checks the set of loggers which have debug messages enabled, if the message record was generated on one of those loggers it passes the record, otherwise it blocks it.

The only question is whether you attach the filter to every logger or to a handful of handlers. The advantage of attaching the filter to every logger is efficiency, the time spent handling the message can be short circuited much sooner if the message is filtered earlier in the process. The advantage of attaching the filter to a handler is simplicity, you only have to do that when a handler is created, not every place in the code where a logger is created.

(2) Conditionally set the level of each logger.

When loggers are created a check is performed to see if the logger is in the set of loggers for which debug information is desired, if so it's level is set to DEBUG, otherwise it's set to the global level. One has to recall there really isn't a single global level if you want some handlers to emit info and above, some handlers error and above, etc. In this case if the logger is not in the set of logger's emitting debug the logger level should be set to the next increment above debug level.

A good question to ask would be why not just leave the logger's level unset if it's not in the set of loggers to be debugged? After all it will just inherit the root level right? There are two problems with that. 1) It wold actually inherit the level any ancestor logger and if an ancestor was set to debug you've effectively turned on debugging for all children of that ancestor logger. There are times you might want that behavior, where all your children inherit your level, but there are many cases where that's not the behavior you want. 2) A more pernicious problem exists. The logger your handlers are attached to MUST be set to debug level, otherwise your debug messages will never reach the handlers for output. Thus if you leave a loggers level unset and let it inherit it's effective level from an ancestor it might very well inherit the debug level from the root logger. That means you've completely negated your attempt to selectively set debug logging on specific loggers. Bottom line, you really have to set the level on every logger created if you want fine grained control.

Approach 2 has some distinct performance advantages. First of all filters are not used, this avoids a whole processing step and extra filter function calls on every message. Secondly a logger level check is a simple integer compare which is very efficient. Thirdly the processing of a message can be short circuited very early in the processing pipeline, no ancestor loggers will be invoked and no handlers will be invoked.

The downside is some added complexity at logger creation time. But this is easily mitigated by using a utility function or method to create the logger instead of just calling logger.getLogger().

Like every thing else in computer science which approach you take boils down to a series of trade offs, most around how your code is organized. You might find it easier to set a filter on just one or two handlers. It might be easier to modify the configuration during execution if the logic is centralized in just a filter function, but don't let that sway you too much because it's trivial to iterate over every logger and dynamically reset it's log level.

Now at least you've got a basic understanding of how this stuff hangs together and what your options are. That's not insignificant, when I was first introduced to logging in Java and Python I found it bewildering difficult to get it do what I wanted.

John Dennis <>

Classes [hide private]
This class wraps the functionality in the logging module to provide an easier to use API for logging while providing advanced features including a independent namespace.
Functions [hide private]
Given a iterable of objects containing a logging level return a ordered list (min to max) of unique levels.
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Given a iterable of objects containing a logging level return the minimum level.
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Given a log level either as a string or integer return a numeric logging level.
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Unfortunately the logging Logger and Handler classes do not have a custom __str__() function which converts the object into a human readable string representation.
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Variables [hide private]
  LOGGING_DEFAULT_FORMAT = '%(levelname)s %(message)s'
  log_level_name_map = {'critical': 50, 'debug': 10, 'error': 40...
  log_levels = (10, 20, 30, 40, 50)
  logger_method_names = ('debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'e...
  __package__ = 'ipapython'
Function Details [hide private]


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Given a iterable of objects containing a logging level return a ordered list (min to max) of unique levels.
  • iterable - Iterable yielding objects with a logging level attribute.
Ordered list (min to max) of unique levels.


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Given a iterable of objects containing a logging level return the minimum level. If no levels are defined return maxint. set of unique levels.
  • iterable - Iterable yielding objects with a logging level attribute.
Ordered list (min to max) of unique levels.


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Given a log level either as a string or integer return a numeric logging level. The following case insensitive names are recognized:

* notset
* debug
* info
* warn
* warning
* error
* critical

A string containing an integer is also recognized, for example "10" would map to logging.DEBUG

The integer value must be the range [logging.NOTSET, logging.CRITICAL] otherwise a value exception will be raised.

  • level - basestring or integer, level value to convert
integer level value


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Unfortunately the logging Logger and Handler classes do not have a custom __str__() function which converts the object into a human readable string representation. This function takes any object with a level attribute and outputs the objects name with it's associated level. If a name was never set for the object then it's repr is used instead.
  • obj - Object with a logging level attribute
string describing the object

Variables Details [hide private]


{'critical': 50,
 'debug': 10,
 'error': 40,
 'info': 20,
 'notset': 0,
 'warn': 30,
 'warning': 30}


('debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'exception', 'critical')